Good Morning Its Friday!!!!!April 24, 2009

on 4/23/09 3:19 pm - Bradenton, FL
Can I say TGIF!!!!! It cant happen soon enough!!!!! Im driving down to Ft lauderdale to see my friend and my cousin for the weekend. I wont see them for 2 months as I am going up north.
I took a 3 mile walk and I didnt get winded at all. My legs hurt now and I am burned to a crisp. I put on a wet Viniger shirt and smelled like a salad for a while till it dried and now I am back to hurting again. I wish I had some vicidin!!!!!!
My cats are swarming around me as I smell like a salad!!!!!
Food they say HMMMMMMM
It is 114 in the morning and I am wide awake. Not good as I have 4 hour drive down there. I am leaving around 1pm. Cause everyone doesnt get off work till 5.
1 more week and I start my trek up north. I cant wait to see everyone in my path.
My best friend in Denvers Dad who is going to be 90 is very sick. I hope he makes it to his birthday. Doesnt look good. He was put in the hospital last night. He has a real bad bladder infection from a cahteter and maybe Mersa. He has had this before. Not good.
His birthday is May 28 and we are supposed to have abig bash for him On June 6th. Time will tell.
Prayers for Brenda Monday.
also anyone else who has had surgery. Prayers for healing for youtoo.
Talk on my friends.
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George T.
on 4/23/09 6:19 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Good morning Carla et al.

Feels good knowing I have 3 hours left of work.  Then I won't have to work again until Saturday morning for 5 hours, then off until Sunday night. 

Eddie has a baseball tournament this weekend.  At least 3 games.  One Friday, one Saturday, and at least one Sunday.  They are in a very tough group.  We will see what happens. 

I must go to the gym this weekend.  I need it. 

I am also going to spend some time with my lovely bride.  Go out to eat a couple of times.  I know Saturday night the Texas Message Board is having dinner at a Mexican restaurant.  There will be close to 70 people there.  Just like everywhere, some you get along with, some you don't.  Doubt if we will go to the afterdinner party though.  Eddie's game Sunday may be at 8AM about 40 miles away.

Oh well.  I am reading a book that I am quite interested in, so let me get back to it.  Cross Country by James Patterson.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

annette R.
on 4/23/09 7:36 pm - ithaca, NY
Sunburn Ouchies Carla. Next time remember sunscreen and a big hat.

Trying to care for my neighbor's 22 cats is beyond a nightmare. Although she said the cats would be in the garage area, several were in the main house and one closed in her bedroom. (no litter boxes there) No way can I corral them.

Each day the kitchen counters and all floors are covered with feces and urine. The only cleaning liquid is a bottle of Clorox. Cat urine and clorox make a toxic gas. I finally took my own.

After much deliberation I called Animal Control. That TV show - Animal Cops - does not reflect real life. The legal process to have the animals removed takes MONTHS!! Even though the house seems uninhabital due to sanitation issues, nothing can be done unless she willingly surrenders the animals.

I called her in Florida; even discussed the issue with her daughter. All she could say was 'how come the cats were in the house instead of the garage?". She refuses to surrender any of them.

The animal control officer was sympathetic but he has to follow the laws. I asked if the process would go faster if I said I couldn't/wouldn't care for the animals? Nope - I could be charged with animal neglect and cruelty.

So, I now wear a face mask and literally SHOVEL cat feces. It is an unhealthy situation and has made my asthma go bonkers. 

BTW - the cats look heathy. There are just waaaay too many. Never did I imagine those words coming from me.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 4/23/09 8:54 pm - Alexander, AR
Annette, this is beyond reason. Isn't there anyone who can help you with this, and when is this person coming home?
Is there a cat rescue group in your area? If there is, maybe there are some volunteers you could recruit? I sure hope this horrible situation is over soon!

It was 90 degrees here yesterday...record breaking and way too early! Gary switched out our thermostat to one that is programmable in hopes of saving a bit of $$ on the electric bill. Well, it was a good idea, but now we have to get a repair man out because the AC blows hot air. Not good. The good news is that now I can tolerate, and even welcome the heat, such a huge difference from 110 lbs ago.

We're having a going away party today for a co-worker who is leaving the salon to teach at a local beauty school. I'm taking German potato one here has ever had it, or even heard of it. I just love taking in new things for them to try, makes them get out of the box.

Okay, hope you all have a jim dandy day (who is jim, btw?)



(deactivated member)
on 4/23/09 9:59 pm - Somewhere IN, TX
I don't know who Jim Dandy is... is he the same guy I used to undress for at school.. no wait... that was GYM...

Oh, who gives a JackChit..

annette R.
on 4/23/09 10:28 pm - ithaca, NY
It is 38* here - blowing hot air sounds heavenly. Sorry you are sweltering.

I put in a call to my Vet to ask for some help. She and here team are brainstorming.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Brenda R.
on 4/23/09 11:32 pm - Portage, IN
Susan, this is no lie but it sounds like nuts....which I must say it is to me but....

There is a man around here that actually changed his name legally to Jim Dandy and his wife changed hers to Linda Lou (I think that is her name....if not it is something like that) and he opened a restaurant called Jim Dandy's and served the most fantastic hamburgers you would ever sink your teeth in. Now his restaurant is simply called JD's. But I have never been there. One night he had a Elvis impersonator and we took Mom there for dinner. He came and sang "Love Me Tender" to Mom........boy did she enjoy that one. I wish I had a camera that night.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


(deactivated member)
on 4/23/09 9:57 pm - Somewhere IN, TX

"has made my asthma go bonkers."

Get your doctor to write a note that it is affecting your health and get out of there.   As long as someone is willing to do the dirty work there is no need for removal.  Sad story but if she can't take care of the mess when she gets back, she'll have to give them up....

Just my old stinkin' redneck Texas opinion.

annette R.
on 4/23/09 10:30 pm - ithaca, NY
I will feed, water and change the litter as agreed. Shoveling chit from countertops, tables and floors was not part of the agreement. SHE can bulldoze her way through when her trip is over.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 4/23/09 10:01 pm - Kempton, IN
 In the little town I lived in the cats were over running the place so residents there just started taking some from one home without the person who thought she was the owner and taking them to no kill shelters. If you have a way to take them out of there(pet taxi) then do so if you feel comfortable doing it. Also when there is someone who is neglecting there dogs people who see this and it bothers them will go up and take the dog. If you think it is unsafe or they are in danger of being unhealthy then load em up and take them to the humane society or no kill shelters yourself.
 I do not mean to sound mean about it but most times these people do not see that they are doing anything wrong. As a matter of fact they thing they are helping these animals when in fact they aren't. If this is not controlled when the neighbor dies there will be tons of cats to be removed and then euthanized. GOOD LUCK with whatever you do! I know it will be hard!Michelle
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